
Rita El Khoury / Android Authority
- The Google Home app could soon add a temperature display to the Climate header on the Favorites tab.
- Google is also refreshing the QR code scanner within the app for device setup, although the new UI is not very different.
An APK teardown helps predict features that may arrive on a service in the future based on work-in-progress code. However, it is possible that such predicted features may not make it to a public release.
Favorites tab could get a temperature display
The current version of the Favorites tab doesn’t display the temperature, but that could change in the future as we learn from strings within the latest app.
<string name="favorites_header_weather_celsius">%1$s°C</string>
<string name="favorites_header_weather_fahrenheit">%1$s°F</string>
The Favorites tab does have a “Climate” tab, which shows you the internal temperature on your thermostats. You can see the current UI below (without the upcoming temperature display).
Thus, the new temperature display in the favorites header will come in handy for adjusting your thermostats.
New UI for the QR scanner for Matter devices
Google is also working on a new QR code scanner for setting up Matter devices. We managed to activate the new scanner, and you can check it out in the screenshots below.
The new UI is not very different from the old one except for the opacity, viewfinder border, and missing flashlight button. It looks cleaner, though, and it’s going to be appreciated by people who dislike white backgrounds on their phones.
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