C. Scott Brown / Android Authority
Cellular carriers, just like any other company out there, evolve over time. Executives come and go, priorities are reevaluated, and just because one carrier might have been the best choice for you when you got your first smartphone well over a decade ago, doesn’t mean it’s necessarily still the right carrier choice for you today.
We were just thinking about this in the context of T-Mobile, arguably the scrappiest, most exciting (if that word’s even applicable to wireless network providers) player among the big three in the US. At least, that’s the reputation it’s managed to construct in many of our minds, but is it one still deserved today, or more a remnant from better, more competitive times?
For better or worse, T-Mobile still has some pretty attractive perks — even if they do tend to be more restrictive today than they were just a few years ago. Our own C. Scott Brown, a long-time T-Mobile user, broke down the pros and cons of sticking with the carrier, and weighing them for himself, saw plenty of reasons to stay. But not everyone’s needs are going to be the same, so we put the question to you, and our results are now in:
Are you still loyal to T-Mobile?
Of those respondents who are T-Mobile users, we see a pretty even split between those who are still very happy with their carrier of choice, and those who are just satisfied with it. Taken together with subscribers who are currently looking for a new carrier, though, that spells over half of customers who aren’t solidly happy with the company.
Diving into the comments, we spot a lot of ex-T-Mobile users who have move on to literally greener pastures, now shouting the praises of Mint Mobile. MVNOs in general get a lot of love, and we also see a few converts to Visible.
Those of you who came to share you support for T-Mobile keep pointing to its stellar customer support as a real highlight compared to AT&T or Verizon. That’s definitely a factor that’s going to weigh heavily for certain subscribers, but we also wonder how often most users will really need to take advantage of it.
With MVNOs and alternative carriers looking more attractive all the time, T-Mobile probably can’t rest on its laurels if it wants to remain competitive. And while it clearly still has a lot of fans, loyalty only goes so far.
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